There must be many single females out there !
Posted over a year ago | London, London
I am single male, 40 yrs old, professional in a Financial institution. No Girlfriend or partner for nearly 5 years. My flat mate is 25 who was bringing her boyfriend back to her room twice a week and I was hearing all sorts of their love-making noises while I was sitting in my living room watching TV.
Many times, she would walk around the kitchen in her panties when I pretend not to look at her. I didn't know what to feel, after all she had a boyfriend. One evening she told me she has split up and her bf has since moved to Australia. After few weeks, she asked me blatantly, what's the last time I had sex? I felt aroused and one lead to another and we had an amazing sex. And then out of a blue, she said she is quitting her job and moving to another city. I have now lost all her contact and feel lonely again after that temporary happiness. Do I feel seduced or me lucky? Either way, I now need a girlfriend !Damn ! Seriously there must be single women out there !
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