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I hate the bitch but she thinks I am her friend

Posted over a year ago | London, City Of London

There is a woman I work with in our office but I cannot stand her, she’s always complaining about one thing or another and she’s fat, well over weight and she complains all the time and says she needs to lose weight. I don’t have a problem with weight in fact I can eat anything and don’t seem to get fat. However I love chocolate and nice sweet things and for devilment I have started asking her if she'd like some of my yummy chocolates and goodies and she can’t resist them and she’s getting fatter and fatter. I am very friendly to her and say she’s not fat at all. She struggles and tries not to be tempted with the goodies and i love it, I love to see her struggle and give in to temptation, I get so happy, absolutely filled with so much joy I could burst, while pretending to be her friend. She is a fat cow and I hate her as everybody seems to like her and she has this really handsome Turkish boyfriend, I would die for, I can’t see what he sees in that fat cow at all. There I got that off my chest, Okay I am jealous of her, horrible fat cow.
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