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I’m considering divorcing my husband

Posted over a year ago | London, Enfield

I met my husband through friends when I was 21. We married when I was 27 and I had a wonderful wedding. My husband has a good job and earns good money, but I have started to find him irritating. We have been married for 4 years now and thankfully we have no children.

My husband works from home, and I have a 9-5 job. When I come home, I don’t want to talk to him, I want to watch TV. But because he has been at home all day on his own, he wants to talk and the stuff he talks about is so boring. Another problem is that he has hardly any friends and the friends he does have only visit him to play video games. He doesn’t like going out and I like going out. We are a total mismatch. I thought he would change when we got married.

The worst part of this is that he sometimes asks me to do sexual stuff that I don’t want to do. It makes me cry when I think about it. I don’t have the face to talk to my family about his perverted sexual desires. I don’t know what to do.
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