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I tried to become an escort but it didn’t work out

Posted over a year ago | London, Homerton

I tried to become an escort but I found it a waste of bloody time for me. No one liked me. I didn’t even get hired once. I was waiting around for nothing. Some cheeky sod even told me I should get some plastic surgery if I want to be in the profession. I have no interest in going under the knife. I can’t afford it anyway. If I had a few grand, I wouldn’t want to sell my body either. I considered it because I was desperate and needed cash fast. I ended up getting a job at Tesco on the tills. At least I actually make money as a cashier at Tesco. It’s guaranteed money at the end of the day unlike escorting.

All these new self service cash machines may put me out of a job though. Then I’ll really be stuffed. Minimum wage beats no wage at all though! Being broke and rejected by everyone as an escort is kind of soul destroying.
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