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I used to be an escort

Posted over a year ago | London, Camden

I used to work as a very high paid escort when I was 18-23. I am now 27 years old and I no longer work as an escort and to be honest, I have regrets about doing it. I wasn’t foolish with the money I made. I didn’t waste it on drugs or silly designer clothes and handbags like some of the girls did that I worked with. I saved most of the money and I ended up using it to build a successful business. I run my own beauty salon and I’m very happy with my life at the moment.

Recently I have met a really nice charming handsome man. We have been dating for 9 months now and I have been totally faithful to him. I love him. He is the best man I have ever met. Two weeks ago he proposed to me. I was so happy that I cried. Of course I said yes to him.

I have never told him about my past as I was always scared of him leaving me. I’m not sure of how he would react if I ever told him about my past. He is such a kind and patient man. I think he would accept my past as it has made me who I am today, but I’m still scared that he may not accept it and he will end up leaving me. I really can’t make up my mind if I should tell him or not. One part of me want to be totally honest with him, but then I start thinking he won’t want me anymore. I don't know what to do.
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