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What They Don't Want You to Know Re Child Sex Abuse - revise

Posted over a year ago | Essex, A Town Near You

I am an academic with degrees in Psychology, Criminology and Social Research who has worked for the police and various public sector organisations.

I have written a series of books which will put an end to bullying and abuse (including child sex abuse)in society.

But no publisher will touch them because they use (anonymised) real-life cases involving the police, medical professionals, public sector workers and others.

All of which I can support with empirical evidence.

Not a single charity, allegedly devoted to supporting the vulnerable, will open any doors to a publisher for me.

Not a single politician of ANY 'colour' will even offer a single word of support for the endeavour.

Not a single university department will admit me as a research student to investigate the issue further.

Not a single newspaper or documentary production company is interested in the stories.

EVERY single police officer I have come up against is on the side of the abusers.

If my work (and the things I have been a witness to and victim of in society) was published it would completely alter the balance of power away from the bullies and abusers in this society.

Has anyone out there got the back bone to support me (practically) taking on the bullies and abusers in this society?

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