I Want Sex with Nearly Every Woman I See
Posted over a year ago | London, West London
Secretly most men, as I do, have a very high sex drive and want sex with as many females as they can get.
I want sex with 90 per cent of females I see from the age of 16 - 49. Tall, short, thin, fat, dark, fair, brown eyed, blue eyed, cross eyed, I don't care. Variety is the spice of life. Most women are attractive to me.
I have a powerful urge to broadcast my seed as far and as wide as I can. This is how Mother Nature made us men, we can't help it. Not only are we naturally polygamous but we are driven to try to impregnate as many different females as we can. It is a force as powerful as the tides.
Men are physiologically addicted to females, but women can take or leave men. It is as if at the age of 13 every male becomes a drug addict and every female becomes a dealer. If a man doesn't have sex with a female for a few weeks he gets the most severe withdrawal symptoms and becomes depressed. Unlike going 'cold turkey', it is impossible to detoxify because the addiction is in our genes.
Most of us live in a state of severe starvation and frustration. What a man really wants is rough, animal, physical sex. We want to let the beast out of the cage. Most women want gentle sex, which is not always satisfying for us. We want to let the wild beast take over, total animal instinct, no thoughts or fine emotions, just the red mist. We want to make like the stallion or the bull.
The result is that men devote a very large amount of their mental energies burying and repressing their sexuality. What this means is that when a partner wants him to perform it is difficult, he dare n't let go of his natural drives. The result is the female partner is left dissatisfied with the man's apparent lack of interest in sex. While she is in bed feeling frustrated he is up in the loft playing with his little train.
If you want a good seeing to, you need to take the risk of riding the tiger.
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