Seeking revenge on my boyfriend
Posted over a year ago | London, Islington | Age 26
Valentines day is coming soon and I need to get revenge on my boyfriend. I broke up with my boyfriend because he caught me cheating on him with another guy. He is fat and old and he was so lucky to have a young beautiful woman like me. If he didn’t have a good job, nice car (Bentley Bentayga SUV) and a nice home, no woman would look at him twice!
He kicked me out of his home and I am staying with friends sleeping on the couch. I am so upset with him. I had a job and my own place before I met him. I gave up my job and the place I was staying at to move in with him and now this happens.
He sent me a text saying he loves me now and he wants me back but I am so upset that he kicked me out and I don’t feel I can trust him anymore. Now I am looking for someone new and I want to post photos of us together on his Facebook and I want to make a video of us making out then send it to his private WhatsApp phone number to make him jealous.
I want someone big strong and tough and someone who can defend themselves because he might want to fight with you but if you are big and strong he probably won't try anything. I am hoping no fight will breakout, I just want him very upset and to feel absolutely powerless.
I am seeking someone tall (6'5" or over because he is 6'2") and around 120kg. You will need to be tough, look threatening, maybe have a few face scars and you will need to look fearless. Maybe someone with a military or martial arts background would be good. If he attacks you, I want you to be tough enough to defend yourself from him. He doesn’t hit women but he has a temper and he has done time in prison for GBH.
What do you get for all your trouble? A beautiful babe on your arm to show off to your friends with and I'm sure we can work something out. I can pay you in kindness.
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