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Can you cheer me up?

7th April 2023 - 6:43 | London, Pinner | Age 26

Hi guys. I have been feeling a bit down lately. Actually that’s putting it lightly. I’m feeling depressed and my doctor subscribed me with anti depressants but I refuse to take them because of all the side effects and apparently anti depressants make you feel worse.

I’m depressed because I lost me job and me boyfriend and I have nothing to do. I found out me boyfriend was cheating on me and I am still in shock. The woman he was cheating on me with was a fat ugly bitch and I just can't understand why he did it. It makes no sense to me. He has me at home and he wants a silly fat ugly slapper.

I need some one cheer me up and help me get over him and help me stay positive. Please no handsome players. I have already had my heart broken and I am not looking for another player.

There is no need to take your top off for your first picture you send and I am certainly not interested in seeing any penis pictures of men I don’t know either.
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