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Confession - Secrets of a 'John' A Family Business?

Posted over a year ago | London, West London

As I have previously confessed, being single for much of my life I frequently had recourse to paying for sex. One Saturday I hadn’t had sex for a couple of months and I was feeling very frustrated so I looked on a well-known website where working girls advertise, and found a pretty, dark looking Romanian girl with what sounded like a Muslim name.

I phoned her and booked a session that afternoon. I was directed to a large semi-detached house a little outside the town centre and was guided by phone to go around the back of the house and enter through the kitchen door. I was let in by an attractive girl wearing jeans and a sweater, she was the girl in the photos on the website, but in person she looked like an ordinary college student. I asked her what her age was and she said 21 years old, as her advert said, but I thought her a couple of years younger. She was very pretty and fresh looking, so who was I to argue with a lady.

She led me into a bedroom where we discussed services and prices and the money changed hands. She left me to get undressed while she put the cash away in a safe place. She returned and I sat naked on the bed watching as she took off her jeans, sweater and shirt. It all felt very domestic.

Well this girl was keen as mustard and really enjoyed her work. My guess is she hadn’t long since been a virgin and still found men and sex fun. It was great to see someone who really enjoyed their work in action. After a massage and some oral stimulation to stiffen my resolve she put a rubber hat on me and we got down to missionary. All the time she kept asking me if I wanted ‘bareback’ (unprotected sex). She seemed very keen on this, I had never risked this before with a working girl.

She kept on and on offering me ‘bareback’, she seemed really keen on the idea for some reason. She wasn’t asking any more money for it either. Well the temptation of having unprotected intercourse with a girl young enough to be my daughter was really overpowering. I knew I was clean and she seemed so young and new to sex that I guessed she was clean too, so I went for it. She eagerly ripped off the offending article and we had at it ‘au naturel’. I soon did what I had to do with great satisfaction. I felt a fantastic sense of triumph to leave my present behind with a girl young enough to be my daughter. I gave her a very big tip and she was happy, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. In my evil mind I wished she would get pregnant with my child, but I assumed she had catered for this.

After we got dressed. She wanted to stay in the bedroom while I exited through the kitchen. To my surprise as I entered the kitchen I was greeted by a short, dark, rotund woman in ‘ethnic’ clothes who was all teeth and grins. I don’t think she could speak a single word of English. She was very friendly and showed me out politely. My guess was she was a Romanian gypsy. What really occurred to me was a family resemblance. Was this woman the girl’s mother?

Luckily I never suffered any ill effects from this unsafe encounter and I continue to be disease free to this day, so I know she was safe from me. However I never took that risk again. The incident remains one of my happiest memories.
The photos below are not the people concerned but are the nearest likenesses I can find on the internet. They are pretty close.
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