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Friendly experienced escort

Posted over a year ago | Brighton, Hastings | Age 41

Hi I'm pip I'm a Mature escort early forties but very young looking
British born
I'm a very friendly warm natured woman who will put you at ease no matter if it's your first time or your just shy. I won't rush you so you feel like it's not only a transaction but a uncomfortable session you in
I'm happy to listen to all preferred services you may like or want to try
I'm a natural Auburn haired long in length woman
Slender size 10 but curves where they should be (wink wink) 5'6. 36dd. I'm more of a natural looking woman I don't like piles of make up as I feel it's a mask. So I prefer to show the assets I was given and not painted on.
So if you like a pretty English rose who's easy going and is happy to have a conversation and actually give you the full time you have booked without being rushed why don't you call
You may just be surprised!!!
Please get in touch for details of services provided
Dinner dates and much more!
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