Big natural breasts lady for huge handsome bloke
Posted over a year ago | Essex, Romford | Age 39
Covid has ruined my life and ruined my relationship with my boyfriend. I am so upset with my life right now. I need someone to give me some comfort. My ex was pro vax and I’m anti vax. I don’t do chemicals. I'm seeking a nice big handsome muscly anti vaxxer bloke that loves women with big natural breasts. I have not had any plastic surgery or any boob jobs. I am all natural. My breasts were given to me by god. My natural hair colour is red. I am not fat and if you like small breasts find a woman with small breasts. Why even bother messaging me? If you send me silly jokes I will send your email to my email junk folder. You have seen my pic now send me yours unless you don't want a reply from me. It would nice to find a huge muscly man to have sex with when I need it. 😀💯🍪🍩
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