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I got them pregnant

Posted over a year ago | London, Crawley

I'm a married guy who enjoys reading some of the ads for hookups. A few years ago, one evening out of a mixture of curiosity, being alone and having had a few drinks I placed an ad offering my sperm to women who want to get pregnant.

I didn't expect to receive any genuine responses. In the first week I had a few that were the usual robot/spam responses and thought nothing more of it. A couple of months after placing the ad I received a message from a woman who was keen to take up my offer.

She was single and said she was working in the country for a few months before she would return home. She wanted to have a baby and preferred to get pregnant with someone who she would not meet again in her home country.

We met in public first and discussed her requirements. We then chatted online to arrange times when we could do the deed.
We met at her place and the first time it was a bit awkward but for the second and third times it was more like a one night stand.

Three weeks later I received a message from her confirming that she had a positive pregnancy test and that she was very happy that she would be returning home with a baby inside her.
She also asked if I could do the same for her friend but there was a small difference.

It turned out her friend was visiting her for a couple of weeks only and was disabled. I have no issue with disabilities so was happy to help. The first time we met we had sex and met on one other occasion.

She left the country before taking a pregnancy test but she contacted me to say that our meet had worked and she was now pregnant.

Both have since given birth and are happy with their new lives as parents.

It still seems odd that I have 2 children in another country who I have never met. I would do it again though.
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