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Oral pleasure

Posted over a year ago | London, East London

My secret confession is that I absolutely with all my heart love licking pussy. This is anonymous so I can actually go all out with a description. I was 20 when I first ate my first pussy, my girlfriend at the time asked me to do so and I was always one of those boys that said nope I ain’t doing that. I tried it for the first time. I loved it was honestly more appealing to me then sex itself, The fact that I could cause my partner and more to come after her, Orgasms with the skill of my tongue was just a big accomplishment for me. I wanted to become master of this skill so for years I’ve offered my services to many woman. To gain experience and become a master oral specialist & honestly I will continue to cause as many orgasms I can with my tongue I would love a lovely lady to use my face single life is a bitch
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