Spring Sowing
Posted over a year ago | London, West
Spring is here and the sunny weather. The sap is rising. Men feel the urge in their loins to sow their seed.
Men have no doubt what Mother Nature wants of them, to plant their seed into as many fertile bellies as is possible.
Polygamy is the natural way. Women have been tricked into thinking that Polygamy is banned for their benefit, but this is not true. Women are drawn to the few superior males and seek their seed urgently. Society denies them this right by forcing them through monogamy to accept the seed of an inferior male. This system was imposed by the male hierarchy to benefit the mass of inferior men.
Polygamy improves the species faster by favouring those with superior genes, while monogamy slows down the improvement of the species by perpetuating the inferior seed. This seed should have been wasted on the ground.
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