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Ex schoolmaster/military 60 years

Posted over a year ago | Kent, Margate

Being in the military for a number of years before becoming a college tutor, I have always known the benefit of discipline and correction to those who seek to disobey instructions or try to be clever at the expense of others. I have had experience of basically giving both men and women the firm hand that they require. I am semi retired at 60 years but I still am asked from time to time to give a firm hand to errant consenting adults. Some like to be verbally scolded and given a gloved spanking or to feel the harsh words followed by a strict caning. I must confess it gives me satisfaction to be of service to those who still need and indeed crave this in their lives.Although I can visit those needing discipline in the Margate General area I also find some seek guidance over the phone or want me to discipline them in and around Canterbury either in their homes or hotel. They also bestow a gift for my discipline skills. They like to be under control and I am happy to provide the correction they need. Everything is totally discreet and confidential. I find that they enjoy this fact and like to show their appreciation.
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