An honest question looking for an answer. 3 years no sex.
Posted over a year ago | London, London
Not looking for a hook up like 99% of the other ads/confessions/secret lol here.
A few days ago it was my birthday.
It marked the third year of no sex or intimacy with my partner.
No intimacy.... none
I'm a guy in my 40s by the way.
In the beginning it caused arguments but over time I have just come to accept the situation albeit not happily.
Just easier than arguing.
Sounds pathetic I know but now I don't even put xxxs at the end of a text. I begrudge the kiss on the cheek when saying hi or bye.
When I very rarely bring it up I'm told ..its not you it's me lol and when I say again rarely
Do you think we are over she says .. if that's what you want.
Fuck I'm 😕 😕 😕 confused.
It literally went from every day to never over night.
I'm working in Spain for a few months in a few months and was seriously thinking about not coming back.
No doubt if I do, il be the bad guy but if I can't even talk about it with her ?
We don't argue about ... we just pretend it's normal. We are not in a bad place NOR a good one.
Aside from the lack of sex.. its all pretty Civil.
In a ideal world..I know that civil shouldn't be acceptable but we don't live in that idea world.
Age old question I guess
Do should I start again or just accept it.
Mortgage kids (but older) etc etc.... the usual problems lol most have got.
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