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I'm a man from past to present seen so many lips.

1st January 2024 - 8:08 | London, West London

From the teenage years I've seen so many lips; dry, moist, shaved, unshaven. Just the beauty of lips is unfulfilling, so many in shapes and sizes are endless. So many tastes that I have tasted still thirst for more. Hard, soft, slow, fast my mouth and tongue has experienced and yet not quenched and eager for more. The quench is so strong and continues up to this date. The beauty is in the look and it arouses me every time I see a woman and I take the risk asking them if they would like me to give them oral; streets, offices, parks, lifts, trains, coaches, public buses....etc...so far I have tasted 27. The last one was base at Heathrow, Cranford park, 65 years of age, last summer under the tree as she was standing and I served her. I can't wait for the summer again. The scent of summer between her legs; tangy, copper scent....
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