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Spied her playing through the keyhole

4th April 2024 - 5:26 | Birmingham, Stoke

A couple of years ago whilst staying in a b&b I wanted to use the bathroom but it was locked , I couldn’t hear anything so bent down to see if I could see anything through the keyhole , imagine my surprise and delight to spy the landlady with a leg draped over the side of the bath fingering herself quite vigorously, it was so amazing watching her secret moment I was transfixed , when she finished I went to back away but the floor creaked very loudly , the following morning at breakfast she made reference to ending the day with a hot bath even saying what time she went for one , the following two nights I was treated to the most amazing through the keyhole shows . I would so love to spy a lady playing again and if anyone out there fancies being caught or watched I would so love to oblige , love the idea of being flashed at , any ideas ladies ? Anyone fancy trying this ?
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