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Women who say all the men they meet are players

Posted over a year ago | London, Central London

A lot of single women say they are fed up of meeting players. They complain that all the men they have dated are players. They are fed up with guys sleeping with them then dumping them after a short time. Has it never crossed your mind that maybe you are dating guys out of your league? If you went for someone in your league or maybe even a little bit below your league, you may find a guy who wants to stick around. What do I mean by this?

1. If you don’t have good income, don’t expect a man to have good income either. Go for a guy who has equally bad income. If you make £15,000 a year from babysitting, don’t expect to marry a man on £100,000+ a year salary. Why? Because guys like that can pick and choose who they date. They aren’t likely to settle for some silly babysitter who can’t even speak English properly, lol. Short term girlfriend will suit him nicely though ;-)

2. If you don’t have a flash car and a swanky house in central London, don’t expect a man to have that stuff either. No one wants a broke gold digger - well dirty old desperate men may accept it.

3. If you aren’t educated, don’t ask for an educated man. I once went out with a Lithuanian women and I asked her what type of guys she goes for, Lithuanian or English. She said English. I asked why and her reply was, “Lithuanian guys are not usually educated and they swear too much.” I asked her what her education was and she said “I’m currently studying GNVQ Beauty in college”. She was 28 years old and a complete bimbo, but she wanted a smart educated man. She's probably still looking for an educated man and saying stuff like "All educated men are players. They just use me then lose me". I wonder why, lol

4. If you aren’t all that attractive, stop going for guys who look like movie stars. Guys aren’t like women, our standards slips often and we score with girls we can do better than just for the sake of getting lucky with someone new. If you look like the back of a double decker bus and you get lucky with a young George Clooney look alike, don’t expect him to stick around for too long. ;-)

So there you have it. Go for a guy who is a good match for yourself and you may find a guy who wants to stick around. If you get a stunningly handsome educated man with a good job, good income, own house and a flash car, and you are just Ms Average, don’t expect him to stick around for too long.
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